Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Chinese Adventure: The Journey

So it has been just about three weeks since I left the US and months since I have done a post. With the craziness of this grad school (16 credits) and deciding to apply to study and work abroad for the next year, I was struggling just to keep up with life. So here's a brief recap...

A crazy course schedule got more complicated with approximately 2 weeks of snow days. Going to Memphis for a Civil rights tour. Twitter host for Tech's student page for a week. Deciding to apply for a Chinese exchange to Tongji University in Shanghai (#1 in my field in China). Receiving and accepting a well paid internship for the summer in Guangzhou. Planning my trip as my school work began to pile up. Struggling for funding for the trip. Being denied twice form my Chinese visa for no apparent reason. Taking over Tech's Student Planning Association's Twitter page for a week. Finals. Packing. Changing banks. Mother's Day. Getting my debit card, visa, and packed the day before my plane left. So yeah...that's the short, but nonetheless tragic story that was my spring semester.

Most of my post over the next year of my life will be delayed stories from my adventure abroad. I am keeping notebooks and filling them with stories, memories, learned words, work stuff and anything I just don't want to forget. they will be written in various points of view and provide me with a timeline. Please enjoy and I hope this will give everyone a better glimpse of my life for a while.

Thanks for reading,


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